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Thursday, November 16, 2006

A divine appointment

by Mike Fletcher

When God keeps that divine set appointment with us in heaven, Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:10 that we will appear that ALL MUST appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Now there is a lot of confusion about that place. Judgment seat translates into Greek as bema, which in its simplest definition means a raised platform reached by steps. In the Greek culture that Paul wrote from and to, bema referred to the elevated platform on which victorious athletes received their crowns even as we say today in the Olympic games.

In the New Testament, it was used as the judgment seat of Pilate or of Herod. There was even a bema in Corinth where unbelieving Jews unsuccessfully accused Paul before the Roman governor Gallio. So a person brought before a bema was to have their deeds examined for the purpose of recognizing and punishing wrongdoing or rewarding some achievement. And that's what the Bible means, too. Unbelievers, those who don't follow Christ, will have their sins exposed and be punished before the judgment seat of Christ. The Bible clearly, all too clearly, tells us that. There will be, it says, much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the bema for, says the Bible, the fate of non-believers is eternal damnation in hell everlasting punishment for sins which will be exposed by God's penetrating justice.

Now Christians will also go before the bema. But Christian believers will NOT be judged for sin at the judgment seat of Christ. Why? Because our sins were dealt with at the cross. Jesus, our very judge, paid for those sins with his blood. They are gone, Blotted out, Forgotten. Paid for.
So what will happen to us at that judgment seat? The full truth about our lives, our character and actions as a Christian will be made clear to each believer. Each one of us will discover the real verdict on our ministry, our service, our motives. All hypocrisy and pretense will be stripped away.

As Samuel 16:7 says, God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearances, but God looks at the heart. The writer of Hebrews put it this way: Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. That's another part of our divine appointment. The things we did with shallow, self-serving motives will not please God. That's the bad Paul refers to, stuff that means or counts for nothing, things which may not be sinful per se but things which had no eternal value, like working our way up the corporate ladder, earning all sorts of degrees, accumulating wealth, getting better at golf, morally neutral things. The things so many of us spend so much of our time pursing.

The things that are considered good at that bema, that judgment seat, are the things we do that DO HAVE eternal value, things done with a motive to glorify God. That's the divine ordained allegiance we are to have to bring him glory by our lives. At that judgment seat, we will be rewarded for those deeds, deeds good and pure and pleasing to God. We don't know what those rewards may be other than, glorious. But they await us. That is a certainty.

Mike Fletcher is a pastor from a church in the Midwest with a passion for personal lifestyle evangelism. He is a founder of Online Christian Shopper, (, a popular Web shopping site specializing in unique Christian T-Shirts, Christian jewelry and Christian gift items.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jesus-Teachings In Personal Evangelism by Glen Williams

by Glen Williams

Do you ever get the feeling we Christians have lost touch with our evangelistic mission? I ministered in "evangelical" churches for 11 years and never felt like there was much concern for the poor lost people who don't know God. There was a lot of talk about how bad it was "out there" but precious few were willing to go "out there" to make it better. This article is to help us take a closer look at the evangelistic character of Jesus so we can become more like Him to help a sick and dying world.

Christian Evangelism-More Walk Than Talk:
The Bible portrays a highly religious Israel eagerly awaiting the Messiah so they can have their eternal bliss and those "heathens" can be punished. It reminds me of what I've seen in many churches, today. But, take a look at how the New Testament portrays Jesus. A friend of sinners! Seeking the lost! A doctor for the sick! In fact, the only people He ever preached against were those religious people who considered themselves, "the chosen." No wonder they crucified Him! We tend to think of ourselves as "the chosen" and preach against "sinners" as if we're somehow better than them.

When we do go out to "save" people we often end up doing more arguing than loving. Take a look at how Jesus reached people. He loved them! He was right there with them in their hurt. He joined them at parties. He touched them and He let them touch Him. He forgave their sins before they even asked. He had compassion on them. Where is our compassion? I have a 1-question compassion test!. You can use it to survey yourself and those you fellowship with, to see if you share the love of Jesus or the religion of Pharisees. Here comes the test: If he were seeking the help of Jesus to straighten his life out, would you welcome into your church a pedophile? Reaching people with the love of Jesus is more walk than talk. If we're going to be the salt and the light of the world, we must be willing to lose the robes of the Pharisees and judges and become friends of sinners.

Evangelism Teachings of Christ:
Jesus taught that our good deeds would be a light that leads people in the world to praise God. Since He teaches later in the same sermon about giving, I get the impression He's talking here about things we actually do for people. Maybe not so much what "the Church" is doing, but what are you doing? Is there someone who needs their lawn mowed? Do they need to be taken to a doctor appointment? Can you carry their groceries for them, or just let them go ahead of you in line? Do they need help with their schoolwork or just someone to sit at the lunch table with them? Let's open our hearts to things we can do wherever we are to shine the light of good works, so people will praise our Father. Jesus taught that we are to love each other, our neighbors and our enemies...that love is the whole Law and it is how the world will know we are His. He told us to go into the world to make followers of Him, not to use Christian churches, clubs, aerobics, fitness centers, restaurants, concerts, etc. to shelter ourselves from the world. Jesus said we would "be"'s who we are, not what we say that matters. 1 John says "God is this world, we are like Him." It's clear from the New Testament, if we just forget religion and live the love of Jesus, people won't avoid us...they'll ask how to get what we've got.

Love In Action-Who Jesus Is: Jesus isn't a religion. A Savior isn't someone who says, "I'm gonna let you drown unless you follow my rules." The Savior, first, saves us from peril and then teaches and helps us to avoid peril. A Redeemer doesn't say, "Earn the price of your own freedom." Instead, He pays the price, not expecting anything in return. A Deliverer is an action figure, not just a talker. The word "Gospel" means good news...not condemnation. If we Christians are to spread the Gospel in a way hurting people can respond, then we must become love in action...that's what Jesus teaches about evangelism...that's how we follow's who He is.

About the Author

Glen Williams is Webmaster at and CEO of E-Home Fellowship (EHF), Inc. He is an ordained minister who has been active in Christian ministry since 1989, counseling and helping people live in Christ. You can comment on his articles at Web-Church Christian Forums.

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