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Saturday, July 21, 2007


Author: Carl A. Patton

Peace be unto you,

Brethren we come steadfast in our love for God and Truth. We will never leave God nor will we forsake God for anything that exists in this wicked world. We pray for Faith and for Patience
and that God will increase our Faith. Peace to all the Saints and to those lost may God have mercy on their body, soul and Spirit.

The wicked that go to the grave will not receive a Spirit. The
Word teaches us that one does not need a Spirit to go to Hell.
Therefore Brethren only the righteous will have bones meshed with flesh and rejoined with the Soul and Spirit at the Day of Judgment.

Peace and Love, Carl Patton a willing servant of Almighty God
writing for the FreedomJournal.



In the name of God master of the universe, Ruler of the earth

We thank God our Father for another day upon this earth. In His Word God ordained the sacred writers to reveal the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ upon this earth. The Word also reveals that Jesus would send the Holy Spirit to lead and guide the righteous upon this earth. Therefore we are grateful to God for the earthly Creation. No where in the Word of God can you find where God created life anywhere but upon the earth. However man in his shallow wisdom thinks otherwise.

Let it be written that those that are scientists know very
little without some knowledge of the Bible. We care about the
multitudes that are Hell-bound but there is little that can be
done for those steadfast in Satan. However as the wicked stand
in ignorance because they reject God so will their data base
remain limited in gathering data as the world turns.

We continue with our scripture lesson taken from Jeremiah 8.
Here we continue to see that the rejection of God and his Laws
is foolish and sinful. So as the people of Old Times turned from
God they were punished with captivity and punishment by their
captors. Let the record show that God allowed this punishment
for their sins of idolatry. This idolatry also involved the
burning of children as sacrifices to idol gods.

Meanwhile Brethren as we look upon the landscape of today we
still see evil. The Laws of God are still rejected by those in
the Church. However the Lord's Church is Holy but many of the
people that have come upon this Church are evil and Hell-bent.

Jeremiah 8:5-7. "Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden
back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they
refuse to return."

"I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man
repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every
one turned to his course, as the horse rusheth into the battle."

"Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and
the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of
their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord."

There is a great challenge for those that have been commissioned
to teach and preach the realities of the Bible. One great
challenge is to relate scripture to the time in which we live or
offer it in some applicable sense. Again we see the parallels
between the Jews who were disobedient and those in contemporary
times that claim to represent the Church noted in scripture
established by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

Verse 5 asks the people to reform from the ways of the Pagans to
avert the captivity which was inevitable. But while the nation
was bent on disobedience there was hope among the people. For
the record the present Church of Christ rendered by God and
Christ is sound and Holy. However many have come with false
doctrines. Therefore the Church within the individual that is
righteous will be blessed. But there is responsibility to seek
and find Truth among all believers.

Verse 6 tells us of the persistence of the disobedience of the
people. The danger for this disobedience comes as a warning.
This continues during these times in the contemporary Churches.
The most vivid warning is that Jesus is coming back to judge the
world. Those that insist on CREMATING the dead will be punished.
(See Job 39:21-25 You cannot see God and His Laws if you don't
submit to the power and authority of God).

We will also note a companion scripture taken from Malachi 3:16.
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and
the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was
written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that
thought upon his name."

God will reward those that submit to Him and are faithful. Here
the Prophet Malachi looks forward to the Gospel period.
Previously in this Chapter Malachi has noted that the Gospel
will be offered to Jews and Gentiles. Thus the chosen people
will eventually become those that accept Christ. As we also look
to this time we see that many in the Church continue to reject
the Gospel. You cannot accept the Gospel with a heart that
believes that CREMATING a dead body is Godly. Nor can you be a
part of God's Church and follow man instead of God.

The ignorance of God's people is noted in Isaiah 1:3. We see
this same ignorance in verse 7 of Jeremiah 8. The scripture
tells us here that beasts and fowl of the air are more faithful
to their Father than many in the Church. Again as we look to
this time we see the ignorant Elders of Lawrence Avenue Church
of Christ (So. Nashville, TN) more set in tradition and Pagan
customs than God.

Cont. Part 23: Cults & False Prophets Cannot Write or Re-Write
the Law

Peace and Love, Carl Patton writing for the FreedomJournal

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