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Sunday, February 25, 2007

"The Washing of the Disciples Feet"

by True Believer

Each year at Passover many Christian Churches will gather together with their basin tubs and actually wash someone else's feet. It seems this has become a tradition in these Churches. I myself have to admit that I also have partaken of this tradition twice in my own life, but with that being said, it also must be said that I never really felt quite right about doing it, as I knew in my heart, this is not what Christ wanted us to do.

Well, again the Lord has been faithful to me and revealed the true meaning of what it meant when He washed the disciples feet before Passover, and now to be faithful, I must share it with the world.

We must go to the Book of John, one of my personal favorites, to pick up the story of "The Washing of the Disciples Feet."

In John 13 v 5 we read that after Jesus prepared Himself for what He was about to do it says, "He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciple's feet, and to wipe them with the towel in which He was girded."

So here it is set, He has poured water into a basin, and has started the process of washing their feet, but when He comes to Peter, He actually gets some resistance. We see this in John 13 v 6, it says, "Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord are You washing my feet?"

To which Jesus replied in John 13 v 7, "WHAT I AM DOING you DO NOT UNDERSTAND NOW, but you will know after this."

I ask, since people are still doing this same exact thing today, washing each others feet, does this also mean that even today, almost 2000 years later, that people still do not understand the true meaning, like Christ said at the time? Yes, that is what it means.

Now what we all need to take notice of here is this, that the disciples had eyes that they could see with, they could see Jesus kneeling before them and washing their feet, so it would seem that they would know exactly what Jesus was doing to them right, I mean they are looking right at Him.

But even though they could see Him, He still tells them, you do not understand what I am doing to you. In other words, there is a hidden truth to what is taking place at this time, but it will not be revealed to you until you receive the Holy Spirit, and then you will understand what I did to you.

Before we go on, we have to go to Colossians 3 v 2, it says, "Set your mind on things above (Spiritual) and not on things of the earth (Physical).

This is why the disciples did not know what Jesus was doing to them, even though they could physically see that He was washing their feet, they were still in the physical mind, but as we know, it is the spiritual meaning that is important, it is the spiritual meaning Christ wants us all to understand, and so therefore, we must follow the commandment to set our minds on things above, the spiritual things, and then we will be able to understand what Christ was doing when He washed their feet.

It truly takes the Holy Spirit to have these truths revealed, I cannot stress how blessed I feel when the Father reveals these things to me. I know that these revelations are not for my benefit though, they are for the peoples benefit that will read and hear the revelations, I am just a vessel.

Now let us get into the true depth of the Father's word to bring it all into clear focus for all who may read this, so all can know without a doubt that this is true bread, a true revelation from God the Father.

First, we have to stop focusing on the physical man Jesus, and start focusing on the spiritual man Jesus. We have to find out who and what He is and was spiritually.

In John 1 v 14 we can see it says, "And THE Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

And, if we go to Revelation 19 v 13 we are actually given His spiritual name, it says, "His name is called, The Word of God."

This is what we must focus on, that it is the Word of God that is doing the actual washing of the disciples feet, literally. Let us now look at John 13 v 8 to see Jesus reply to Peter, He says, "If I do not WASH YOU, you have no part with me."

Now remember who and what is doing the washing, The Word of God. Christ says plainly, that if I do not wash you, or us, that we have no part in Him. Let us continue.

Let us look at John 15 v 3 now and see what Jesus said to the disciples. He said, "You are already clean because of The Word which I have SPOKEN to you." This verse may just be in your footnotes as a tie in scripture, I bet it is, because it is in my Bible.

But now here we can see, that Jesus is plainly telling us, that it is the Word of God, or better yet, the Spoken Word of God that cleans us. Now again, remember who Jesus is, He is, The Word made flesh, He is, The Word of God.

What we must realize, is that Jesus, the physical word, picked up the physical basin of water, and then physically washed their feet.

But what Jesus is showing us by this physical example is this, that we are to take the Spiritual Word, which is the true Living Water, and Speak it to others, as to Wash them with it, as in Washing others with the Washing of the Water of the Word.

Here is a more detailed explanation. We see who Jesus is, He is The Word of God. Now this Word of God is also referred to as something else, and we see this in Jeremiah 17 v 13, it says He is, "The Fountain of Living Water." This is what the Word of God is, the Living Water, and this is what Christ is also, but in the flesh.

Remember, physical water in the basin, the Living Water is the Word of God.

If we will now go and read Ephesians 5 we can read the verses where it talks about how Christ loves the Church, let us read Ephesians 5 verses 25-26. They say, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her that He might sanctify and Cleanse her with the Washing of Water by the Word."

Ok, I hope it is coming into focus now for all who are reading this.

The physical Christ, the Spiritual Word, gives us a physical example of washing the feet of the disciples with physical water, Christ of course being the Spiritual Water, Living Water, and then tells us plainly that it does not mean what we would think it means, even though we can actually see Him doing it.

We also have seen that Christ cleanses us by the Washing of Water of the Word, just as He told the disciples in John 15 v 3.

Now let us go and see what Christ says in John 13 v 15, He says, "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."

Now we already know by Christ own words, that He does not mean wash each others feet physically as He just did, He plainly told us that we do not know what He is doing at the time He was actually doing it, washing their feet.

So what Christ is telling us, is go and Wash others with the Word of God, as in The Washing of Water by the Word. This is what Christ did to them and us, He came and washed them just as He washes us by the Words He spoke, the Words of the Father.

In other words, He is telling us, go and share the gospel with others, as in, go and wash others with the words of eternal life, just as I washed you with the words of eternal life. Can all see it now? I hope so, let us continue now, as to really drive home the true meaning of "Washing the Disciples Feet."

As Jesus is washing their feet, Peter of course says not only my feet, but my hands and my head. Jesus of course replies back to him in John 13 v 10 and says, "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet but is completely clean: and you are clean, but not all of you."

Of course we know why they were clean, Christ told us so in John 15 v 3. But now why are we considered clean if only our feet are clean?

It is because that is what we use to spread the gospel, or at least what the disciples used, they did not have all the technology we have today, they actually had to use their feet.

Let us look at Ephesians 6 verses 14-15, they say, "Stand therefore having girded your waste with Truth (Psalm 119 v 151), having put on the breastplate of Righteousness (Psalm 119 v 172), and Having Shod Your Feet with the preparation of the gospel of Peace (Psalm 119 v 165).

Please check all scriptures, but what we must take notice of, is that we are told to shod our feet, as in use them to spread the Word of God.

If we will now go to Isaiah 52 v 7, it says, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the Feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings good tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, Your God Reigns."

This is why we only need to keep are feet clean, because they are used to spread the Word of God, which in turn, Washes those who hear us. 1st Timothy 4 v 16

We must also realize that the more we share the Word of God with others it also cleans us more and more as we do it too. Romans 10 v 17

A real good scripture to explain this is Proverbs 11 v 25, it says, "The generous soul will be made rich (In Spirit), And he who Waters will also be Watered himself."

As in, when we wash others, we are also washing ourselves. And all this washing is being done with The Word of God we speak out of our mouths, just as Christ our example did.

We also see Christ says in Mark 6 v 11, "And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your Feet as a testimony against them."

That testimony to those who will not hear us is this, I will use my feet to spread the Fathers Word, and your words, which represents the dust, I am leaving here with you, as I want no part of it on me, not even on my feet.

So I hope all can see what I see, what the Father has revealed regarding Christ washing the disciples feet. It truly has and had nothing to do with what people are still doing today, actually taking their water basins to church and washing someone's feet.

I ask, is Christ turning to the Father and saying, Father, they still do not understand what it means when I washed the disciples feet, even though I clearly told them that it does not mean what they think it means.

And the Father says back, yes Son, they still do not understand, but I wish they did, because more people in the world need to be truly cleaned by My Word, more people need to be Washing others by speaking My Words to them.

He is saying, I wish they would have listened to me when I told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Matthew 9 verses 37-38

We must always remember, it is the inside of a person that the Lord looks at, it is the inside person that needs cleaning.

And folks, there is no other thing in the world that can clean the inside of a person besides the Word of God. Of course Christ being the very physical representation of the Spiritual Word, we could say, that people need to be washed in Christ, as long as we know who He is spiritually.

Remember now, the physical water may clean the outside of the cup, but the Living Water cleans the inside of the cup, and that is where the Lord looks, at the inside.

He is saying, as I have washed you, now go and wash others. As I have shared this water with you, go and share this water with others, yes, even take it to a little child.

As were told in Proverbs 25 v 25, "As cold water (Even a cup) to a weary soul, So is good news from a far country." In other words, the good news is just as refreshing to a weary soul as a cup of cold water, yes, even to a little child. Matthew 10 v 42

So for those of you who have been washing someone else's feet year after year, and really never wanted to do it, guess what, you do not have to any longer, in fact, if you do, your only telling Christ you still do not understand what He was doing.

And there is no reason for that now, as the Truth has been given regarding this subject matter, the Hidden Truth, the Spiritual Truth. So stop washing people's feet, and start washing their whole bodies with the Washing of the Water by the Word, as in, share the good news.

I hope this revelation has been a blessing to those who may have been led to it by the Father, it sure has been a blessing to me, but then again, all things the Father gives me is a blessing in my opinion.

So now in conclusion, please all remember this truth, we must stop focusing and believing what we see with our eyes, and start focusing and believing with our hearts. Blessed is he who has faith in what he cannot see. Amen
About the Author

A Lover of Truth

Thursday, February 22, 2007


by Linda Preston

You may not know it but there's an angel looking out for you, who's waiting for you to get in touch. We all have our own, special guardian angel that travels with us throughout life's journey and loves and protects us unconditionally no matter what mistakes
we may make. Our guardian angel is a powerful being of light and responds to our call the moment we ask for assistance. History is peppered with sightings of angels, usually in response to some great need by man. During the First World War soldiers afraid for their lives before great battles reported sightings of angels. The most famous sighting was in August 1914, at Mons, in Belgium when the British Army was involved in a desperate clash with overwhelming numbers of German troops. It was reported that an angelic army came to their aid and brought hope and comfort to the men so that they were able to successfully defeat their foe.

How many times have you heard stories of dramatic rescues or near miss death incidents when the person surviving the incident was reported to say " they felt that someone was watching over them and keeping them safe" So you might ask how would you know if there was an angel with you? Your guardian angel can appear in many different forms. Many people 'sense their presence; some hear them, whilst others encounter them in dreams and visions. Your angel is around you at all times; but do not wait until you have a time of crisis or sorrow to contact them. Invite this heavenly being to became part of your daily life now. Your angel is waiting to be called upon to help you in any way you need. You can also ask for help for those you care about who may need help. So here are a few tips on how to get in touch:- Each morning and night find a quiet place. Sit in a comfortable position with your back held straight. Ground yourself by visualising roots extending from you deep into the earth. Take a few deep breaths until you feel relaxed and calm and then sent out a thought to your angel about any needs you may have. Gradually open your eyes. I have found that usually and often in the strangest way your request is fulfilled more quickly than you can imagine. Believe and you will get a powerful response. Each time you commune with your angel, your relationship grows stronger. Let your intuition guide you along this fascinating spirtual pathway and you will find there are truly angels living amongst us. Your life will never be the same again.

copyright Linda Preston 2007