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Thursday, February 22, 2007


by Linda Preston

You may not know it but there's an angel looking out for you, who's waiting for you to get in touch. We all have our own, special guardian angel that travels with us throughout life's journey and loves and protects us unconditionally no matter what mistakes
we may make. Our guardian angel is a powerful being of light and responds to our call the moment we ask for assistance. History is peppered with sightings of angels, usually in response to some great need by man. During the First World War soldiers afraid for their lives before great battles reported sightings of angels. The most famous sighting was in August 1914, at Mons, in Belgium when the British Army was involved in a desperate clash with overwhelming numbers of German troops. It was reported that an angelic army came to their aid and brought hope and comfort to the men so that they were able to successfully defeat their foe.

How many times have you heard stories of dramatic rescues or near miss death incidents when the person surviving the incident was reported to say " they felt that someone was watching over them and keeping them safe" So you might ask how would you know if there was an angel with you? Your guardian angel can appear in many different forms. Many people 'sense their presence; some hear them, whilst others encounter them in dreams and visions. Your angel is around you at all times; but do not wait until you have a time of crisis or sorrow to contact them. Invite this heavenly being to became part of your daily life now. Your angel is waiting to be called upon to help you in any way you need. You can also ask for help for those you care about who may need help. So here are a few tips on how to get in touch:- Each morning and night find a quiet place. Sit in a comfortable position with your back held straight. Ground yourself by visualising roots extending from you deep into the earth. Take a few deep breaths until you feel relaxed and calm and then sent out a thought to your angel about any needs you may have. Gradually open your eyes. I have found that usually and often in the strangest way your request is fulfilled more quickly than you can imagine. Believe and you will get a powerful response. Each time you commune with your angel, your relationship grows stronger. Let your intuition guide you along this fascinating spirtual pathway and you will find there are truly angels living amongst us. Your life will never be the same again.

copyright Linda Preston 2007


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